Where Men Can Become Better Gentlemen

Body Weight Work Out

A005: Basic 4 Loop

This work out can be undertaken almost anywhere and consists of 4 basic exercises carried out as a continuous loop for a set time frame. The only equipment required is a pull up bar and a timer. Alternative exercises/equipment can be substituted.


Beginners: 20 - 35 minutes

Intermediates: 30 - 55 minutes

Advanced: 45 - 75 minutes

Start with some light stretching for 2 minutes and, if time and place allow, light cardio for 2-5 minutes before moving onto this workout.


If you have not exercised for some considerable time this is a good place to start. Perform each exercise for the stated number of repetitions before moving onto the next one. Once you have reached the bottom, repeat and keep going for the allotted period of time of 4 – 8 minutes. Muscle soreness may mean you are only able to complete this workout every 3-4 days, after several weeks you should able to do this every other day. The ultimate aim is to do this every day, for a total time of 8 minutes.

5 Pull Ups.
10 Push Ups.
15 Abdominals.
20 Squats.

Finish with 10 - 15 minutes of light cardio followed by 2 minutes of stretching.


If you have been exercising for a little while, this may be a good place for you to start. You should be able to this every day or every other day, perform each exercise, and be looking to cover 8 – 15 minutes.

5 Pull Ups.
10 Push Ups.
15 Abdominals.
20 Squats.

Finish with 15 – 30 minutes of cardio, followed by 2-4 minutes of stretching.


This should be a typical everyday workout for you and could even be your rest day workout from weight training. The exercises should be very easy to complete, perform each exercise and be looking to complete 14 – 20 minutes.

5 Pull Ups.
10 Push Ups.
15 Abdominals.
20 Squats.

Finish with 20 – 40 minutes of cardio, followed by 5 minutes of stretching.

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