Where Men Can Become Better Gentlemen

January Celebration

Oatmeal Month

Happy National Oatmeal Month
National Oatmeal Month graphics @ holidayimageparty.com

Oatmeal Benefits

Oatmeal, like most whole grains, is a very healthy food option and (as confirmed by the FDA in the USA) can lower the risk of heart disease. However, this is just one of the many positive benefits with others including: the reduction of cholesterol, low calorie “filling” option, high fiber content, naturally gluten free, can help with diabetes and is said to have antioxidant and immunity benefits (including the possibility of cancer prevention).

Read more about the medical benefits here and the nutritional and dietary benefits here.

New Year, New Start

With over 40 million pounds of oatmeal sold, the USA buys more oatmeal during January than any other time of the year. This may be due to health conscious (and frugal) New Year’s resolutions or because it’s one of the coldest months of the year (in the Northern hemisphere). The normal choice of cereal with cold milk just doesn’t seem to cut it and in view of this, in the early 1980’s the most notable producer of oats, Quaker Oats, decided to create Oatmeal Month. More on the history of oats can be found here.

Try It!

While oatmeal month may have begun from a commercial consideration, over 75% of North American homes have oatmeal in their pantry. It is this, coupled with the wonderfully inexpensive price of oatmeal that suggests to us there’s no better time to try experimenting with this “super grain”. Try out oats as a breakfast cereal, in cookies, muffins, bread etc. but also as a drink, in beer and perhaps as a special treat in liquor too. Now there’s a reason to raise a glass to Oatmeal Month!

Find out more about oats here.

Other Oatmeal Celebrations

In the USA 30th April is Oatmeal Cookie Day, 16th October is Oatmeal Day and 19th December is Oatmeal Muffin Day.

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