Where Men Can Become Better Gentlemen

September Celebration

Fall Hat Month

September is the first month of fall and traditionally people stop wearing white after Labor Day as a sign of the end of summer. Although Hats are not as prevalent as they once were, it was at this time the straw hats (including Panama hats) were put away and the standard wool/felt/fabric hats came out for the fall. While we encourage the wearing of hats, this is not something every man does…or do they? It is surprising the number of people who wear Baseball Caps and Beanies!

What ever your own current view or style of hats, why not try something different?

Things To D0

1. Wear a hat every day of the month, especially the last week as this is Fall Hat Week.

2. Wear a different type of hat. Why not try a Trilby, Safari or Fedora style (think Indiana Jones) hat in brown, black and/or Grey. One of our favorite shops is Hats in the Belfry.

3. Have a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party/Picnic, as depicted in Chapter 7 of the book “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll. Available from Amazon (see box to the right) or read for free on Project Gutenburg.

4. Why not make up some riddles (or research some) to confound and perplex people at lunch, dinner or your attendees at a mad hatter’s Tea party? Don’t forget to include the classic riddle from Alice in Wonderland: “Why is a Raven like a writing desk?”

Correct Hat Etiquette

Learn all about correct hat etiquette and manners to apply when wearing a hat - another step closer to being more of The Compete Gentleman!

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